
  • This screening battery is designed to detet vision problems in the pre-school population. It includes a test for visual acuity, eye alignment, binocular funtcion, farsightedness, lazy eye (amblyopia), and more. Utilizing new test such as the school bus test, this screening test for a great number of problems in a short period of time. This screening battery of test was designed for use by school personnel of members of service clubs such as Lions or Kiwanis with minimal training. Many test are pass/fail
  • Preschool Vision Test
    Pocket size cards for testing and evaluating non-readers. Seven different test targets printed on either side of 4 plastic cards with instructions on eigth side. Washable. Handy test for student clinicians and practicing professionals alike.
  • Corrected Curve Prism FlipperCorrected Curve Prism Flipper
    Flat prisms or Corrected Curved Prisms Professional training with two yoked prism pairs. Beginning with the highest powers through which a patient can fuse and focus, prism flippers are exchanged for the next higher powers through the training sequence. Great for early presbyopes with high exo with new bifocals! Please specify diopter power when ordering and if flat prism or corrected for abberations and made as thin as possible (corrected curved). Item #: BC1275+
  • R & B Trial Frame
    Reversible Metal Frame Glasses with Red/Blue Lenses These glasses are convenient for testing or training. Use with Tranaglyphs to alternate demand. Item #: BC1100RB
  • Randot Aperture Rule Card Set
    The Random Dot card set for the Aperture Rule™. The set of 15 full color randot images are bound together and fit the Aperture Rule Trainer Kit. Each card contains a unique image that appears when fused.
  • Random Dot Fusion Set
    Random Dot card set for the Bernell-O-Phore. Set of 26 (13 pairs) full color cards. Each pair contains either a unique sport figure, shape pattern or numbered sequence. Images appear when fused. These fusion cards work with the BC300. Item #: BC300ES1
  • Red Maddox Stick Prism
    Red Maddox Stick Prism Item #: ASPSR
  • Red Green Hart ChartRed Green Hart Chart
    Near and Far Chart Set provides letter and number matrix for testing and accommodative vision training. This is a new take on the classic Hart Chart used by professionals for years. The Red/Green allow or anti-suppression training, in addition to accommodative training.
  • Red Green Tranaglyph
    Variable Tranaglyph™ Kit (600 Series) Appropriate for a wide range of problems including strabismic and non-strabismic orthoptics. Fusional convergence/divergence range is from ortho to 30PD, 10.5" x 5.5" red/green targets are on transparent vinyl. Use with Polachrome Trainer as a cost-effective alternative to Polaroid vectograms. Item #: BC600K+
  • Red Green TrananglyphRed Green Trananglyph
    The new clear fixation paddle is 12" x 12" made of clear polycarbonate. Uses targets with cling material which adheres and removes easily from the front or back of the paddles by adhesion forces. Targets can be layered to set prismatic demands, including vertical!!! They allow patient to fuse in free space, shift accommodation through the paddles and back to the target. By turning the paddles around you can easily shift from base-in to base-out demand, as well as change the 3D target from coming towards you to going away. The In-Office unit (HFIXIO) is a two-piece model that comes with comfortable plastic handle. The Home unit (HFIXH) is one piece, clear polycarbonate. Red/Green Clings are available in High Definition (HD) or half tones. Half tones cancel better but don't work well except against white wall or lit surface. HD work well for Sports Vision Training.
  • Reverse 10ft Eye Chart
    This chart functions as a 20' test when space is limited. Use in 10' room with mirror. 20/100 size. Chart size 9" x 14". Item #: BC1261R
  • Rock Flippers
    Has one plus lens with occluder. The reverse has a minus lens and occluder. Available in diopters 0.25 to 4.00 in +/-0.25 increments. These flippers are designed to allow for monocular training of accommodation without the need of a patch. Item #: BC1277+
  • Sheridan Gardiner Test
    The Sheridan-Gardiner Test contains both near vision and distance vision tests according to the Faculty of Ophthalmologists and Snellen Standards. This Test also includes a reduced Snellen Test. Testing depends on matching shapes rather than identifying or naming letters. All are reversible. The Sheridan Gardiner Test is primarily designed for children but is also usable for deaf mute or other patients unable to interact with traditional letter based visual acuity tests. Results are more reliable than illiterate E or similar tests. A series of orthoptic booklets in washable plastic finish are included with the basic kit to augment the range of letters in each size.
  • Silver Pupilometer
    The Digital Pupilometer is a digital precision optical instrument designed for accuracy but with ease of use in mind as well. The device uses corneal reflection alignment system with high accuracy digital linear sensors. The large LCD screen provides easy reading for the technician. The measuring range is 46mm to 82mm binocular and 23mm to 41mm monocular. Includes automatic standby after 2 minutes of non-use to preserve battery life. This lightweight unit is powered by 4 AA batteries (not included).
  • SMD card
    A durable home monitoring test card for those patients needing to detect metamorphopsia. Espically useful with ARMD and PMF. The back of the card contains near point reading material of various type sizes. This allows the patient to monitor possible changes in visual acutiy. The card is made of a washable plastic material. Size 5-1/2" by 8" Item #: BC11980
  • Snellen 20ft Test Chart
    20/200 to 20/10 size. 11" x 22-1/2" size. Item #: BC11931
  • Soft Training Ball (VTE) - with Figures
    Ball with 60 children's figures. Each ball includes plastic adhesive hook for hanging up.
  • Soft Training Ball (VTE) - with Letters & Numbers
    Ball with 60 letters/numbers on the surface. 90mm. (3.6") diameter; 90 gr. weight; made of polyuretan material. Each ball includes plastic adhesive hook for hanging up.
  • Space Fixator - VTE
    New renovated version with rounded plastic board and new metal structure that is adjustable at different heights. The support is light and made of metal and aluminum. The base comes with wheels for easier movement around the office. It develops the skills of quickly moving the eyes in an accurate and efficient way from a point to another. It also lets to integrate eye movement and space evaluation with the skill of visually guiding the body movement in a coordinated and efficient fashion.
  • Space Fusion – VTE
    Two mirrored sides septum, frontally and non-symmetrically set, is recommended for binocular training; antisuppressive and fusional activities; central-peripheral instrument applied in amblyopia. Easy to teach figure-ground, therapy and brain injury neuro-optometric rehabilitation (neglect).
  • Spatial Localization Board – VTE
    The Spatial Board was suggested by Dr. Streff as a way of quantifying and recording spatial localization shifts with patients. Dr. Kraskin utilized similar assessments of a patient's spatial localization in order to determine the amount and direction of yoked prisms to prescribe. The VTE Spatial Localization Board is designed for clinical efficiency to allow the behavioural optometrist to quickly assess a patient's spatial localization in real space and time; determine x, y and z axis spatial warps in 9 primary meridians; record patient responses for pre and post test data (especially good for documenting mid-line shifts in TBI and strabismic patients) and quantify immediate effects of lenses and prisms.
  • Spatial Mapping - VTE
    Tumbling E Pad (Pad of 100) Printed with large 20/200 E on one side and a series of five 20/20 tumbling Es on the other- calibrated to a 20ft. distance. May be used to test and train peripheral awareness.
  • Sports Fixation Cards - SoccerSports Fixation Cards - All Sports
    Make your patients aware that you do both Vision Therapy and Vision Training (Sports Vision!) with these new sports cards. Let them select their favorite sport: baseball, football, soccer or all sports. Cards come in transparent or opaque packs of 5 cards. Two balls are set opposite of the other two so that you can ask which balls come out/go in to the card to determine if the patient is really seeing as they should. Vertical lines on circles for suppression check. Red/green circles to encourage color rivalry. Item #: B550AS+
  • Square Plastic Prisms
    37mm square plastic prisms in your choice of diopter. Sold Individually. Item #: ASP+
  • Square Prism Set
    Lightweight 37mm square plastic prisms are ideal for testing and dispensing to patients. Available in 4 standard sets. Item #: AS+
  • Stereo Optical Poloroid Glasses
    New Distance Randot™ Stereotest! Stereo Optical Company, the world leader in vision screening and stereopsis testing, continues to offer new, innovative solutions for your vision screening needs with the new Distance Randot™ Stereotest. The Distance Randot™ Stereotest was developed in conjunction with Eileen Birch, PhD and Jonathon Holmes, MD of the Retina Foundation of the Southwest. The Distance Randot™ Stereotest is the ideal tool for the eye care professional who deals with strabismus, amblyopia, intermittent deviations. The Distance Randot™ Stereotest is more likely to detect abnormalities in distance stereopsis and thus can give an earlier indication of the need for surgery. The Distance Randot™ Stereotest can also be used as an outcome measure following surgical intervention. Item #: SOPRS
  • Stereo Trainer 900 SeriesStereo Trainer 900 Series
    Red/Green TV trainer or can be placed on a printed page and used as a reading unit. Used to build binocularity in true space.
  • Stereo Vision Chart Series
    Upgrade your vision therapy to a whole new level with the Stereo Vision Chart Series. Patients love stereo targets, but often we cannot send them home...until now! With the Stereo Vision Chart Series, you have access to economical and efficient training tools to integrate binocular vision training while training other visual skills simultaneously. The Stereo Vision Charts provide an excellent fusion lock and a wonderful depth of field. The depth is subtle and great for working with just noticeable differences (JNDs). They are great for working with pilots, athletes and others who want to refine their depth perception awareness.
  • Stereo VT Record Form (50 Per Pad)
  • Stereophotos
    These photographs come on heavy-duty 8-1/2" x 11" cardstock for durability. There are activity suggestions printed on the back of each card. Some photos are identical in everything except the type of vergence demand or the amount of vergence demand. These were designed for the offices who work with just noticeable differences (JND) with their patients. Item #: HDSPVP
  • Stereoscope Cards 30 Cards
    Headline Stereoscope Cards (30 Cards) This set inclucdes 30 cards! You can train basic fusion skills such as luster to simultaneous perception and stereoscopic viewing (3-D).
  • Stick Prism
    Any of the square prisms are now available with a stainless steel holder. Easier to hold and keep finger oils off prisms. Less chance to break than acrylic holders sold by others. Allow quick alternations of BI-BO or BU-BD at distance or near. Item #: ASPS+
  • Stick Prism Set
    Stainless steel handles and a red filter on a stick are held in a felt lined case for convenience as well as scratch protection. Item #: ASPSSET+
  • Tangent Screen
    Made of the finest quality black felt. Attached one meter ribbon and occluder establishes the test distance. No need for headrest or chinrest. Double hanging rod model insures flatness. Approximate Size: 49" x 52" Includes: Recording Charts, Wand, and Eight Velcro Dot Targets *Note: Tangent Screen image is a simulated design. Product has black stitching that matches the design of the white target shown. It is up to the practitioner to make their own design. Item #: BC400+
  • TNO Test for Steroscopic Vision
    Suitable for testing very small children (2 1/2 to 5) as well as adults. Three plates for screening, 3 for diagnostic. Kit includes seven plates and red/green glasses.
  • Tranaglyph Slide VerticalTranaglyph Slide Vertical
    Non-Variable Vertical Tranaglyph™ Slide (70 Series) The test for vertical fusional reserve. Non-variable prismatic red/green slides provide 0.25PD to 3.0PD in 0.25PD increments. Allows for normal head tilt without eye strain or double vision. Red/green targets are silk screened on frosted vinyl. Slides measure 5.5" x 10.5". Can be used with Polachrome Trainer.