Thanks to its ergonomic design, user-friendly program navigation and ease of operation, the OCULUS Centerfield® 2 Perimeter has proven itself to be an invaluable instrument in the Occupational Health area. The unit performs static perimetry up to 70° eccentricity. It also meets the requirements of the German Ophthalmological Society’s (DOG) Road Traffic Commission for conducting visual field testing in accordance with the regulations for the issuance of driver’s licenses and the Guidelines G25 and G41 issued by the German Institute for Occupational Health and Safety.
Made of the finest quality black felt. Attached one meter ribbon and occluder establishes the test distance. No need for headrest or chinrest. Double hanging rod model insures flatness. Approximate Size: 49" x 52" Includes: Recording Charts, Wand, and Eight Velcro Dot Targets *Note: Tangent Screen image is a simulated design. Product has black stitching that matches the design of the white target shown. It is up to the practitioner to make their own design. Item #: BC400+
iCare COMPASS Automated Perimeter with active Retinal Tracking
Key features
- Standard automated perimetry
- Active retinal tracking compensating for poor patient fixation in real-time
- Auto-focus — no trial lens needed
- Hygienic design
- Illustrative fixation analysis; fixation area and plot
- High-resolution confocal TrueColor imaging of the retina
- No dilation of pupil needed, the patient can blink freely and the test can be suspended at any time without data loss
- Ease of use & minimal operator training